You´re killing me….

So one of my twisted experiments is to ask once in a while people to tell me the first
word that comes to mind and then write a quick poem about it on the spot. So out I meet
my other roommate and ask her to tell me the first word that comes to mind, she obviously
looked at me like I´m nuts, although there I am 5 feet from her staring at her while she
comes up with a word, so after 30 seconds she says ¨a beautiful day?¨, I say ¨not a sentence,
a word please” and ¨Marta you´re killing me¨, she says the word, and the seas parted.


You´re are beautiful
I hope you are truthful
A bit slow when it comes to creativity
Each to his own in a world
That constantly does a swirl
But I do love you baby girl

Stay Frosty gents and gentesses.


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