9 days no food

This is what I want, no money so no honey for food, cigarettes but no regrets.
I did fuck up yet again, I´m quite great at giving advice to people about overcoming and shit
right? Well not all that great at applying it to me. So after seeing that my body is not the
same as before as in that photo taken probably 5 years ago, I fuck it up with alcohol,
money to alcohol all my mind upside down in a bottle, this is what I get a wallow wallow.
But cry me a river, I do have a little room, a Little stove, internet, t.v, so doing pretty
good overall. Even my father said he´d help me transfering me some money, problem is that
since my credit card is in their house, here in Spain if you want to get money off the teller
it has to be before 11.a.m so now is 10 a.m and all this is me corresponding with him through
Gmail since they stole my phone, making the poor man walk to some bank. All because of the alcohol,
I need food man, I walk through the streets stumbling, I can feel the weakness sliping into each bone.

Stay Frosty gents and gentesses.


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