Happy Christmas?

I hate this holiday, specially now, mother with cáncer and weak, I have
two appointments with doctors to see how fucked up is my body on the 28th
of this month and this is what I´m listening too, before I go to my mothers
house and try to bring, some joy to the world!

Fucking weird I am.

Stay Frosty gents and gentesses, Happy Christmas, hope is better than mine.
But I do very much appreciate the comments some people leave, I´m very greatful,
I do hope that for all of you people it Will be a great Christmas.


  1. Hello my frosty friend,
    I understand your feelings. “Holidays” can feel especially frustrating during a difficult & stressful time. I (and many of your friends here) always send my best wishes, and especially for your mother too. Please take care.

    1. Hello T. I do really appreciate the comment, you don´t even know how much I do appreciate, have a great Christmas time and even better next year, so they say, but you Will.

    1. Here I am, she’s sleeping, I did all the house work this morning, we ate healthy food, wich both of us hate, but we have to take care a bit and life has to go on however bad it seems, you just can´t give up.

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