Are you ready?

i can write
Tell ya the truth quite well
but I say, but i can curse but i can?
but not is going to be that worse
Anyways, i did say i can write to you
a great type of melody
but I say haaaaaa!,sorry that was me bored in a hurry
you ready?
come to my world story
who am I?
your number one story
the kid is in the block
that is why some say I suck
because i pretend i do writing?
don´t preach
i am the teach….
teacher tottering while i´m feeling the head spinning
and this,
is poetry
you heard Mr. Montgomery, that was…..don´t know
see ya, or screw ya or wanna be like ya or
not my fault going to another world probably to snore

stay Frosty gents and gentesses.


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